2024 MSC Scholarship Awards

The Measurement Science Conference (MSC) has an established fund to grant scholarships of up to $2,500 to students in an Engineering, Science, or Quality Assurance degree program.  The scholarship prize also includes admission to the 2024 Measurement Science Conference exhibit hall, the MSC luncheon, and any technical programs offered during the March 24 through March 28,  2024 Measurement Science Conference. Attendance at the conference provides a valuable opportunity for students to learn about and experience being in a professional environment and to begin forming their professional network.  The scholarship program places emphasis on experience or accomplishments related to the application or advancement of measurement science and technology.  The eligible candidate must meet the following requirements:


  1. Be currently enrolled in an engineering, science, or quality assurance degree program
  1. Have an overall or upper-division grade point average of 3.0 or greater
  1. Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  1. Be available to attend the Measurement Science Conference luncheon at the Disneyland® Hotel Convention Center. Note: MSC Scholarship recipients are required to attend this MSC luncheon on Thursday, March 28 to receive their scholarship.


Note: Current Measurement Science Conference Committee members and their family members are ineligible.

All completed applications must be emailed along with unofficial transcripts (screen shots acceptable) to: Mark Lindsey at scholarships@msc-conf.com before COB on Wednesday, January 31st 2024 to be eligible.


A MSC sub-committee evaluates all applications and provides a list of recommended finalists to the MSC Board of Directors. The Board, based on the sub-committee recommendations, evaluates and selects from the recommended recipients list for the 2024 scholarship awards.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be thorough in answering all sections of the application and their subsections as completely as possible. Remember that you are providing information to convince our committee that you should receive this scholarship from among the applicants this year. Scoring will include: GPA, Employment, Measurement Science or Quality Assurance experience, Goals, Awards, Achievements, and Personal statement/need.

The MSC Scholarship Committee Chair will formally notify all applicants of the determinations made by the Board.

For further information or questions regarding MSC Scholarships, contact Mark Lindsey at scholarships@msc-conf.com.

Please click here (MSCScholarshipApplication) to download the 2024 Scholarship Awards Application.